Ecco un articolo intervista sul latte crudo non pastorizzato. L'intervista è molto interessante e pone diversi spunti di riflessione. La pubblico in inglese così come è presente sul sito
Do you drink raw milk? Have you ever become ill from drinking it?
Yes, I have drunk raw milk all my life (I'm 44) and so has dad (67years old) We have never been ill from drinking our own milk. Claire and I have four very fit boys aged 17, 15, 13 and 9. They have all drank raw milk from 6months old and have never been ill.
Why do the supermarkets sell pasteurised and homogenised milk? Is it something to do with shelf life?
It is nothing to do with shelf life. If a supermarket sells milk, by law it must be pasteurised. The way the law is regarding raw milk, only the farmer himself can sell raw milk, so shops, supermarkets etc cannot sell it. Supermarkets can only sell pasteurised milk, most of which is also now homogenised. So it is more of a legal issue, than a shelf life issue. Homogenisation is not a legal requirement, more of a cosmetic one. Homogenisation has no effect on shelf life. For some reason, the big retailers think the consumer does not want to see a cream line, and the cream at the top of the milk bottle. Therefore they want the bulk of the milk they sell to have no cream line, and it is homogenised. This process physically smashes the fat globules into tiny globules that cannot ever settle out and rise to the top. They just remain in even suspension throughout the milk. It has been my experience that hygienically produced raw milk has a longer life than pasteurised.
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